Friday, August 5, 2016


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Thursday, August 4, 2016

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One, who interferes in other's work, surely comes to grief.

Only the brave succeed in life.

One should treat one and all, even the lowest, with respect.

Do not be taken in by the sweet words of a swindler.

Do not close your eyes to the impending danger due to greed.

Even a very powerful enemy can be destroyed through deceit.

When things go wrong, use your wit to overcome the situation.

Deceive the wicked and destroy them without mercy.

The false promises of friends as well as strangers have no value. You end up paying for it.

One, who treats his own people with scorn, shall surely suffer a bitter end.

Always be on guard when you are in the company of wicked people. Do not be taken in by their sweet words.

Do not underestimate the power of the timid.

Never fail to listen to the advice of your friends.

When you see a danger coming, act immediately.

Even the low and humble achieve results when they work together

Spurn the company of the wicked; else you will come to grief

Do your best but leave it to destiny.

Never give advice unless you are asked for it.

Give your advice only to those who deserve it, else you will come to grief.

Avoid the company of the wicked or you will pay a heavy price for it.

The solution of the problem should not be worse than the problem itself. That is, while trying to solve the problem, you should not complicate the problem further.

'Tit for tat' is the best policy in life.

Beware of a foolish friend. He can cause you more harm than your enemy.

Better an intelligent enemy than a foolish friend.

Strike at the source of the enemy's power to destroy him

Never underestimate anybody by their appearances.

When someone offers you something that is too good to be true, don't be carried away by it - Think and analyse.

Action and destiny are two sides of a coin. Work with all your might but leave it to destiny. And stay happy and content.

Untruth spoken repeatedly appears to be truth.

Self-sacrifice is the highest stage of sacrifice

Beware of a rascal who pretends to be holy.

Greed crosses all borders of reasoning and ends in disaster.

Sometimes, even your enemy can be beneficial to you.

When thieves fall out, you stand to benefit.

When your enemies quarrel, you are the winner.

What is in-born, can never change

Check thoroughly even what seems to be impossible.

Use your tactics to protect yourself from destruction.

Beware of deception from all quarters including your friends.

Never trust your enemy, and don't allow a foe into your home.

The weak must make use of all tactics to survive.

Keep your counsel to yourself and thus stay away from trouble

Do not pretend to be what you are not.

A foolish person who refuses to follow a good advice surely comes to grief.

Bow before the mighty, throw something before the low and fight the equally powerful.

The outsiders may tolerate your lapses but not your own kith and kin.

Think hard and do not do anything in haste.

Greed only brings misery.

Common sense is preferable to knowledge.

Empty knowledge brings ridicule.

At the first hint of danger, act quickly to save yourself.

There is always a proper place and time for doing anything.

One should not build castles in the air.

Union is strength.

Greed surely brings disaster and destruction in the end.

Know the truth about yourself and act accordingly.

Continue being what you are, else you pay for it.

Deception with sweet words succeeds beyond limit.

Fight your own battles; else you will surely be destroyed.

Use intelligence to win in difficult situations.

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